BeSweet Wizard v0.2 b1 (09.12.2003) ---------------------- About: ------ A Wizard for BeSweet. Requirements: ------------- ***** All BeSweet Files Must Be in a "\BeSweet" Sub Directory of the Wizard ***** ***** All Azidts Files Must Be in a "\Azidts" Sub Directory of the Wizard ***** New: ---- BeSweet Wizard v0.2 b1 (09.12.2003) - Added AIFF Support. - Adjusted Captions of WAV Output Mode. History: -------- BeSweet Wizard v0.1 (10.10.2003) - Released as Final. BeSweet Wizard v0.1 b22 (13.09.2003) - Output Tab (OTA) : Fixed a Cosmetic Bug. BeSweet Wizard v0.1 b21 (06.09.2003) - OTA (PreGain) : Added "Extract PEAK chunk" Option. BeSweet Wizard v0.1 b20 (03.09.2003) - General : Added Startup Mode Options. BeSweet GUI / BeSweet Wizard (Thanks Sectie.B) - Output Tab (OTA) : Added "Set Delay to" CheckBox (Thanks Ghim) Thanks to: ---------- Doom9: Wizard Concept, Ideas, Helping and Testing. DSPguru: BeSweet, Motivation, Most Help and Support. DDogg: Helping and Testing Early Betas. VB Code I Use in the Wizard: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: Add a OnMoving Event to your Forms Author: Andrea Tincani ( Date: Link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: Trap Windows Messages by Subclassing your Form Author: TheScarms Date: Link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Module: Flat Comboboxes (Subclassed Comboboxes for Flat Effect) Author: Garrett D. Sever (aka "The Hand") Date: October 28, 2002 Link:,0074,01/01.aspx ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class: CDlgEx -- Encapsulates Windows Dialog Functions into One Class Author: Arkadiy Olovyannikov Date: Link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Control: CHAMELEON BUTTON - An awesome multi-style button Author: gonchuki Date: November 11, 2001 Link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Control: Simple Tab control Author: Michael Karathanasis Date: July 2000 Link: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Control: vbAccelerator ListView Control - Implements a ListView using the API Author: Steve McMahon Date: February 21, 2003 Link: Full Credits: Thanks in no particular order for getting this to work: - Dan Litwin for his TreeView demonstrating a whole pile of nice tricks and techniques, particularly a working and workable CustomDraw implementation - Mike Gainer for demonstrating the IOLEInPlaceActiveObject code - Matt Currland/Bill Storage for writing the OLEGuids TypeLib and publishing the info about it to the VB world - VBNet for the ListView tricks section - Jeffery. M Richter for Spy++ - Charlie Kindel, Michael Nelson, Michael Antonio for OLEView - Brad Martinez for the fantastic IShellFolderEx_TLB TypeLib - Bruce McKinney for Hardcore Visual Basic, CopyMemory, ObjectFromPtr, Subclassing and Timer Assistant (even if it was broken...) - Brokenwood - Cricket Pitch Shiraz - City Rockers - Futurism 1 & 2 compilations - 2 Many DJs - As Heard on Radio Soulwax Pt II - KFC - Marlboro Lights - Lucy C xxx No thanks: - Windows Common Controls MSDN documentation - seriously blows goats. - MSCOMCTL.OCX - yes I know you had the source code, v. clever, but did you really have to? - Western Digital. I want a want an MTBF somewhere in the high trillions of years from now on please. SteveMac, 2003,, 3:01am. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy :) Danni.